Pt 14 - How to properly do "I AM" Statements

2 years ago

How To Use I AM Statements EFFECTIVELY
Part 14 of 21 sections of a training that was conducted on 11.29. 22

Is there a wrong or right way to use I AM Statements? What makes them effective? Why do some have great success with them and others don't?

Dive into this quick video and find out the hidden secret to making I AM statements effective.


Learn the "WHY" these statements work, "HOW" to create and use them and then "MANIFEST" with them.

If you're looking to change your life for the better, then you need to start by changing your thoughts. In this video, I'll show you how to do "I AM" statements properly to manifest the life you want.

By using "I AM" statements, you can change your thoughts and beliefs about your life, and as a result, you will begin to see change happen in your life. Learn how to do "I AM" statements and start manifesting the life you want today!

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