Pt 13 - Examples Of "I AM" Statements for manifestation in your life

1 year ago

Examples Of "I AM" Statements
Part 13 of 21 sections of a training that was conducted on 11.29.22

For personalized assistance and guidance on how to create YOUR PERSONAL "I AM" Statements and "AFFIRMATIONS" please use the link below for our free assistance with this process.

By understanding examples of "I Am" statements, you can get a sense of the types of affirmations that may be most helpful for you and the areas of your life that you may want to focus on. You can also learn how to create your own "I Am" statements that are specific, positive, and present tense, which can be more effective in shifting your mindset and bringing about positive changes in your life.

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Learn the "WHY" these statements work, "HOW" to create and use them and then "MANIFEST" with them.

If you're looking to change your life for the better, then you need to start by changing your thoughts. In this video, I'll show you how to do "I AM" statements properly to manifest the life you want.

By using "I AM" statements, you can change your thoughts and beliefs about your life, and as a result, you will begin to see change happen in your life. Learn how to do "I AM" statements and start manifesting the life you want today!

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#howto #learnhow

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