Minimize Fires

2 years ago

Think through and identify the common denominators. Is it a person that's always creating the fire? Right? There are gonna be some fires you can't control. I mean, they're gonna happen. They happen to all of us. If you can eliminate fifty percent of them or reduce them, So what are the things that happen continually?

Like, for example, I lose contracts because my pricing's too high. That's a fire for me. So then you wanna go into problem-solving. And say, what can I do
to improve my pricing or to bring in different clients? Right? You might be bringing in clients that are not your ideal customer.

This is true.

I worked with a guy who only worked with people who didn't have money. And I said, how are you gonna make money if nobody has money? Well, you need to get into a nonprofit, then. And you need to collect money. So there are problem-solving strategies for almost everything you do. But if you keep ignoring the fact that you're dealing with people who don't have money,
you either need to change industry or find a way to bring money in.

Makes sense. So then you wanna make sure that you spend equal time
as much as possible on proactive measures. So if I'm putting out fires
a hundred percent of my day, I will never have time to figure out how to build a nonprofit.

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