Men Must Believe In The CATHOLIC Jesus To Be Saved ~ RJMI Video Lecture (2012)

1 year ago

This lecture was given on Resurrection Day 04/08/2012.
It is directed towards Protestants, nominal catholics, and non-christian religions. It teaches through Bible verses that men must believe in the Catholic Jesus in order to be saved. The discussion includes:

* Different types of belief in Jesus and what faith and service means.
* Men must first of all hear the word of God from the Gospels, believe it, then keep God's Commandments to be saved.
* Non-Catholic religions are serving a false god and disobeying the first commandment.
* Scripture verses on the hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church.
* Protestants do not follow all the teachings of the Bible.
* The necessity of baptism and doing penance.
* Scripture on the worthy reception of the Body and Blood of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist.
* Scripture on the sacrament of Confession.
* There is no remission of sins outside the Catholic Church.
* Faith without works is dead.
* How we know by scripture that the Vatican 2 church is invalid and heretical.
* Quotes from the saints on heresy and heretics.
* On Catholics that believe the teachings of the Catholic Church but do not follow them.

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