Nuremberg 2.0 Tribunal Demanded

2 years ago

Stew Peters appeared on the Alex Jones Show on Feb 20, 2023, in order to point out to everyone that sufficient evidence currently exists within the public domain to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt in a Court of Law that the COVID-19 PSYOP was single greatest crime ever committed against humanity in history.
This fact should be beyond any reasonable person's doubt who has objectively looked at the evidence, which is available to anyone who's willing to look. Therefore, the time has now come for State prosecutors to make arrests, and bring the criminals who are behind this mother of all crimes to Justice, not only for the creation of the manmade bioweapon known as SARS-CoV-2 (if it actually exists) and its release upon humanity, but also the poison death shot (the "genocidal bio-weapon") that was forced or coerced into the bodies of over 5 billion unwitting victims worldwide.
I agree with Peters, completely. The time has come for a vigorous, Nuremberg-style criminal prosecution of each and every perpetrator who knowingly took part in the planning and/or execution of these crimes against humanity. Who knows what further diabolical crimes these psychopathic criminals might commit against humanity if we don't stop them before they can do any more damage than they already have? They know that We the People know what they did. At least, a lot of us do. The evidence against these psychopathic, anti-human criminals is, in fact, quite overwhelming.
We should never forget that there's nothing is more dangerous than a criminal on the run who has his or back to the wall, and nothing to lose by committing more crimes. That's when they are the most dangerous.
See my related article "COVID-19 PSYOP Exposed"
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