Multi-Dimensional Wisdom of The Bible

1 year ago

#god #thebible #esotericknowledge #meditation #theology #gnosticism #christianmysticism #philosophy #numerology
There’s a lot of truth in this lecture. What I don’t understand is why people think this can all be true but that the history of The Bible can’t also be true? Ive always seen these things as revealing of the multidimensional nature of God and how the universe and man is embedded with God’s patterns and symbols. He speaks to us through all of nature and through the very course of time and history. The Bible is not merely a fictional story encoded with wisdom (although parts of The Bible are absolutely Parable). It is the records of various related authors who have interacted with God, the supernatural and have passed on the ancient written and oral wisdom of their fathers, as should be custom for all cultures. I don’t disagree that we should actively commune with God and Heaven through prayerful meditation, but to suggest that we shouldn’t spend time studying The Bible (especially when praying and contemplating) I do not agree with. Keep in mind I also actively study all theology, history, philosophy, folklore and mythology, meaning I don’t favor tyrannical dogmatism, but I do favor evidence, primary sources and God’s commandments. I am a Christian Mystic, so I follow Christ and The Bible and in conjunction I pray, meditate and attempt to commune with God in my pursuit of truth and wisdom as well as when I write, study and research. Otherwise I agree with a lot of this video. Just like I agree with a lot of gnostic hermetic philosophy, except where it goes out of its way to deny Christ and God The Father. God’s wisdom speaks to us through many dimensions, mediums and languages. His miracles are all around us, His signature is woven into the fabric of the universe. He is embedded within our own mind and soul and in the very fabric of all wisdom, information, symbols, numbers, codes, letters, alphabets, languages, ideas, conceptions, shapes, colors, sounds, stories, dreams and into all of nature, life and man himself!

From Video Advice YT Channel.

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