STOP Funding Ukraine!!!!

1 year ago

The federal government, led by Joe Biden and aided by Republican sellouts like McConnell, continue to spend the hard earned money and inheritance of our children to fight for “democracy” in one of the most corrupt countries (besides the U.S., who is THE MOST corrupt) on earth, Ukraine. We have to find a way to stop this nonsense. Neither I, nor my children, nor the children of anyone else, will participate in WWIII just to cover the corrupt ass dealings of the Biden family (and many other politicians Left and Right) in Ukraine. The U.S. literally has exactly ZERO business or self interest in Ukraine. If they’re going to exist as a country, they have to be able to defend themselves. The actor in the camo is the result of a U.S. fueled coup in 2014. Putin is merely acting in the best interests of his country, as NATO continues to push for WWIII by encroaching closer and closer towards Russian soil. The answer to “should the U.S. fund Ukraine?” is not just “NO!!” but “HELL NO!!!”

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