Danube Governor says its impossible to see what happens on Bistroe

1 year ago

The Ukranians are lobbying heavier and heavier ships on the Bistroe canal which is illegal to begin with and destroys the whole Danube Delta and they say nothing really happens. In fact they havent announced the Romanian counterparts and any works done have to be done with the agreement of the other country and International conventions. They havent and they lie, saying they only did maintenence works. Follow us for more information.
The only canal that is available and was already constructed is Sulina canal. The Ukranians also did works on the Chilia river arm, which is illegal and breaks international treaties as it is not a navigational arm for large ships. These works destroy the whole Danube Delta which is an international protected area. The Ukranians lie and whenever they dont like something they say: Oh dont say this because its Russian propaganda. Or that it feeds Russian propaganda. That is their answer to everything. Share on all platforms

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