1 year ago


We've been educating that there has never been a lawful government in Canada or the US - in fact they are not even countries! They are a Business - and their business is to steal, pillage, rape, murder and so on.... This is their system of tyranny - to harm everyone !

We have educated these FACT's and now more are finally starting to see the REAL Enemy for what it is!

For those who are still indoctrinated into the massive lie of deception we will leave them behind!. They may realize the truth later and we will be there for them.

Will it take time? Yes!

Do not wait for them, push forward, it's your future , your destiny!
So, what do we do? Do we need a government ? - Do we need laws -

Well of course, but we need accountability! I recommend Natural Law, bring no harm. Pretty simple. I think we all may agree upon this!

Now how do we break Free to build a system of liberty and freedom.

We educate FACTS - Nothing but facts. Facts may hurt someone's emotions but facts will give them the tools to win this battle! Keeping the facts from them will only slow them from comprehending the true nature we all face!

With research and comprehension of the previous dictatorships we may analyze and come to conclusions!

Canada is an Oligarchy/Communist/fascism
US is Fascism,

Soviet Union/Russia is Fascism/Communism
China Fascism/Communist

and the rest of the businesses they own around the planet are the same , all given different types of government names but they are all 100 percent a Dictatorships!

To simplify it, they are all part of a Crime family of ruthless murderers ! - Do you agree (if you need help deciding just look at the forced injection of the poison, they just released to billions to murder their own people!

If you unaware of this! We will give you the evidence for you to do your own investigation!

How do we STOP them from Murdering you and I!

The options of electoral system, court systems, education systems and medical systems are all owned and control by the parasites, so 100 percent dead end!

How do they get the so -called authority to hold them all accountable and remove their Tyranny forever!

Through Deception we discovered some important facts!

They supposedly have this Document called the Canadian constitutional Act! or in the US the Constitution of the United States of America!

This piece of paper written in 1867 in the land mass known as Canada and 1787 in a land mass known as United States! Imagine that a fraudulent piece of toilet paper gives them all this authority to rape and pillage and murder!

These copies were never ratified by we the people! They have been a total scam from day one! They even admit they were de-facto from day one! Simply put, they are a complete fraud!

The parasites say they own us as slaves because of a document they created to ensure 100 percent dictatorship!

They call it a Connotational parliamentary democracy in this company called Canada, or a Constitutional Republic in the United states company ! Both are total scams!

So how do we fix this fraud -

Simple plan!

It's important to create a document that destroys their fraud!

If you hearting this for the first time!

Well, we have great information for you. There has been committee of men and women who have been working on this already.

There is a Document for you to review. We call it Natural Law Republic.

This is the first step for you and I to remove the shackles of slavery! You may say I was always free, why do I need to do this? Well to sum it up we need 10 percent of the population do to this. 10 percent will give us protection against these murderous bastards.

Now here is the great news we already have 12- 15 percent of the population in land mass known as Canada and the US .

Now it even gets more exciting there are about 20 percent more that have been learning and educating themselves.

When you and I and others start to educate these facts these 20 percent will join us!

The parasites will NOT stop what is coming!

This terrifies them and I would be terrified If I were them! Accountability is coming!

Are you ready?

Here is some information about how the Natural Law Republic constitution was designed

This constitution, we felt, MUST be at the local level of every community/village/town/city- and restore law and order.

Absolute power, corrupts absolutely. - so there will never be a federal or provincial dictatorships!

We felt each town has its authority right at the local level and no other town has any authority over your town/community. Pretty simple. So once a few towns/communities do this. This will spread everywhere!

This has been in works for some time and planning and to ensure protection they will all launch on the same day worldwide in numerous areas. The parasites do not and will never have the resources to prevent this!

With in days other communities will hear the stories of free men and woman and they will Demand their freedom as well!

This is Powerful!

This will spread to further towns/communities because they want to be free from the doctorships.

Alliances will form and then the Natural law will prevail.

This will be accomplished much faster when you hear this exciting information and start to educating more yourselves. Together, we will have this completed!

So, the challenge is you educating this, stepping up to the plate to build your community. Doing this will inspire others to step up.


And a Huge LOSS for the Parasites

This Constitution is a contract how you as individual would affirm to agree to hold these values and protect these responsibilities.

Protecting these and living by these values protects your property, and your future. It also protects others in your community and them protecting you.

Pretty simple,

Imagine a world where we remove the greatest enemy in a single blow!

No more threat of harm!

Now with wisdom and education, we the people will have a future.

We are all on equal playing field.

No more pyramids

The Plan To Free Humanity

The Plan To Free Humanity
The Plan To Free Humanity Video There have been many great thinkers and philosophers throughout the ages who have proposed ideas on how society should be structured to benefit the individual

Constitution of The Sovereigns' https://rumble.com/v29il48-constitution-of-the-sovereign.html

Constitution of The Sovereigns'
Constitution of The Sovereign Republic of (Liberty) From our Home Page you may watch Creating a Natural Law Republic https://constitutionalconventions.ca/ Zoom daily 5 - 10 PM EST https://zoom.us/s/6945489985

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