Speed Art Process in Making Wallpaper Design Contest Demo | STAY SAFE STAY CREATIVE #TCWD2021

3 years ago

It is an honor to be part of the Wallpaper Design Contest held by the TEAMGROUP for designers around the world.
The Theme of this contest is STAY SAFE, STAY CREATIVE | #TCWD2021

You can join this contest by clicking this link: https://bit.ly/3foKImF
The prize is a PC worth $ 3,000
Besides that, you can invite your friends to join the Voter's Special Award in finals, the prizes are just as attractive as the first prize.

1. Wallpaper Design Contest : 00:27
2. Speed Art Process : 02:10

In this wallpaper design I focus on the theme of stay save and stay creative. And in my opinion what helps us to stay safe is to wear a mask, It has become a health protocol in this pandemic. So, in this wallpaper design I want to tell everyone to keep using masks to take care of ourselves and take care of the people around us.
I made it look like a colorful abstract design, but formed a figure using a mask, the figure using the mask represents the message 'STAY SAFE'. While the colorful abstract design can represent unlimited creativity with various aspects. We can see that the figure is facing the colors while looking up. like She was enjoying these colors..
At first glance it is just abstract colors but if we rotate the image -90 degrees, we can see the shape of the mountains with the rising sun with blue skies. Because we all know that nature always inspires us from all aspects, and by the sun rising in it means that there will always be hope. from the darkness of the night will always be replaced by the bright sun that will rise. even with this pandemic condition there is always hope that it will end.


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