Improve English with Audiobooks: 1984 chapter 1 page 5: explore new grammar and vocabulary

1 year ago

In this episode we explore page of 1984 by George Orwell. We learn new vocabulary like how to use the phrasal verb “babble away”. We talk about how to use the word fulfill and overfulfill. We also talk about the word simultaneous and how to use it. We learn how to use the word “whisper”. We learn how to use the word “whether”. We learn the word “conceivable “ and how to use it. We also learn what “overhear” means as well as how to use “scrutinize.
We pay attention to the follwing words and phrases
babble away
how to use the phrase “as long as” and “so long as”
and we also practice suing the very “do” for special emphasis
all of the words are included in special English listening comprehension and English fluency exercises at the end of the video.

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