Supreme Cases with Joseph Ashbrook

1 year ago

Betsy Sundermann will join us to discuss Domestic relations cases which include divorce, separation, unmarried parent, and modification cases about child custody, parenting time, and child support. The judiciary enforces the law, under the Constitution, citizens must be confident of obtaining protection for their rights and freedoms. A judge always should act with dignity and perform his duties to the highest standards to uphold and maintain the integrity of his/her office. Judges play a significant role in the fabric of our society and are elected to their position by the people. It is important before an election to know the judges you will be voting for.

Described by Alexander Hamilton as the “least dangerous branch”, the United States Supreme Court continues to play an important role in the American experiment. We hear about the important cases all the time, but often it is hard to understand them and determine their importance.

Join Joseph Ashbrook, President of the Cincinnati Lawyer’s Chapter of the Federalist Society as he discusses the five most important Supreme Court cases of all time from Marbury v. Madison to present.

Recorded October 27, 2022

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