1 year ago

ITS NOT The DOOM/GLOOM HOUR- but if your in a spirit of religion it is. Because your view of scripture will only be seen through your lens of religion instead of what the Spirit of God truly says.
Religion is mans attempt to make peace with God on his own terms which means those vessels don’t’ think they have any problems NOR need deliverance. WHEN ALL HEARTS DO! Redemption is Gods offer of peace through Jesus Christ and even though SOME vessels DO know Jesus- they still need to get this false structure off of them in order to truly come into WHO Christ made them to be.
The animal sacrifices had to die so that the blood of Jesus could be sprinkled on the altar so that those hearts could actually come into TRUE IDENTITY.
The way witchcraft has affected the body of Christ the past 40 years has been so bad because its duped leaders into believing that its wrong to preach the truth. So what we now have is a group of leaders who PREACH the word (GOD IS THE WORD AND THE TRUTH) but they are perverting Gods truth to suit their own narrative.
So our entire society – who should have been changed by Gods word was shoved down another pathway of TWISTED TRUTH. Where the church should have been course correcting the sheep so that we would have been a force to be reckoned with. And ITS AMAZING to me how many people come at me (stuck in this spirit of religion/pride/Jezebel) thinking they know so much but are some of the main culprits to this issue. They don’t like truth, they don’t like people like myself, and they are HELL BENT on trying to shut God down within us. BUT Acts 5:39 states:
IF SOMETHING/SOMEONE IS OF GOD – just because you don’t like them (or Jesus in them- because that’s who your really at odds with and fighting- and probably don’t know) but you can’t stop us. NOR HIM.
Where are we at as a nation: between weather balloons, aliens, train wrecks, laptops, and frustration on social media – what I’ve been perceiving is that we are still head to head but the enemy is weakening tremendously now. THANK GOD! We are ALMOST THERE!

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