Expressions“...all along”: Learn the meaning! Practice how to use it with this fluency exercise

1 year ago

Let's practice how to use the expression “...all along”. “all along” is a time expression that means “from the beginning” or “since the beginning”.
It is mostly used when someone has wasted a lot of time doing the wrong thing because they made a bad choice. When you wan to talk about the right choice (from the beginning), you can use the time expression “all long”
You should have studied English all along ( you should have studied English form the beginning and not have wasted time doing something else)
My keys were in my pocket all along (My keys are always in my pocket. But I didn't check my pocket or I didn't check carefully. I wasted a lot of time checking other places. When I finally noticed them in my pocket I realized they were there from the beginning) My Keys were in my pocket all along.

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