Flush Out Toxic Heavy Metals From Your Body With This Herb!

1 year ago

Have you ever heard of heavy metals?

Heavy metals can harm your body, your health and your well-being. They can enter your body in many ways: By eating contaminated fish, by exposure to environmental pollutants, by procedures such as tattoos and dental fillings, by drinking contaminated water, and by handling certain household products.

Did you know that cilantro can remove most heavy metals from your body in less than 2 months?

If you suffer from symptoms such as depression,insomnia, fatigue, poor memory and learning difficulties, digestive problems such as IBS, skin irritation, autoimmune disorders, neurological problems, pain, and anemia, you may have heavy metals in your body!

If you read the labels of the food, beauty and hygiene products you use, you'll find that metals such as mercury, nickel, uranium, cadmium, lead and aluminum are often present in their composition.

They're able to attack our central nervous system and our bones, where they accumulate and remain impregnated for years, which can cause these symptoms.

There's also evidence that these substances can cause dangerous diseases such as heart disease, thyroid problems, dementia, neurological diseases, Alzheimer's, autism, infertility and birth defects.

But don't worry, it's possible to detox heavy metals from your body, removing these toxic compounds and minimizing their effects on your health. That's good to know, isn't it?

But how do you remove these metals? The most common method of removing them from your body is chelation.

Chelation therapy is a medical procedure that uses chelating agents to remove heavy metals from the body so they can dissolve and be excreted in the urine.

You can also consume cilantro if you're looking for a more natural alternative! Cilantro works best when combined with chlorella, a type of green algae, and together they're a perfect way to detoxify the body. This combination needs to be consumed three times a day for up to 3 months.

According to several studies, chelating heavy metals with cilantro and chlorella can naturally remove an average of 87% lead, 91% mercury and 74% aluminum from the body in just 45 days. Amazing, isn't it?

All you've to do is add fresh cilantro to almost any food, both cooked and raw. Try mixing olive oil, fresh cilantro and lime juice with a little salt to make a delicious, tangy dressing for cooked vegetables or salads.

You can also take chlorella and cilantro in the form of juices and smoothies.

Did you enjoy learning how you can use cilantro to remove heavy metals from your body? Thanks for watching!

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