our rights and freedoms are coming back

2 years ago

censorship breaks the freedom of speech the freedom of expression allowing it was a Comunist move

cant censor facts posted by governments and scientists

everything i have ever posted has been backed up by top souces and verified peer reviewed.

never once did i change my story, make scapegoats, excuses, falsify data

if i am wrong i will own it.
i will own it redact it and apologize. i will not pretend the matter never happened or lie contrary to my previous posts.

currently our governments are lying and they are caught daily.
they control justice and law enforcement wont touch them.

this is not a democracy its a dictatorship and the governments were usimg media and social media to push propaganda one sided bias information

Stop the War machine
stop censorship
end comunisum
end tyranny

the elitists and politicians are making trillions on our suffering, pain and death . they are in no danger, they lose nothing, they have no hardships

they take our money to satisfy their own personal greed and gain

why are ppl allowing and supporting this.

if the politicians and leaders want to fight. pick up a weapon and go fight the other leaders and politicians.

we are not cattle or your slaves to be put into a meat grinder so you all can have tens of millions with 6 months off a year.

all u do is talk nonsense and make life hard for everyone

youtube claimed nobody had any adverse events from the vaccine and my cited data was misinformation.

cant peddle lies and dismiss the truth

biden and Tredeau must go and along with them everyone else who supported them

thanks for years of shadowbanning and YouTube jail for posting cited information from legit souces

i hope now we can have justice and truth

had 10 weeks left on my YouTube jail sentence. ceo resignee and my channel is back up.

think 5 videos were removed in total.

shadowbanned into non existance for years

same thing happened at twitter. 2020 i said it was a CCP bot army and i quit twitter after countless bans warnings. i was right. i tested the bots i knew this before anyone else. but as always i was called crazy

vaccine i was called crazy you must take it to stop transmission. it disnt stop transmission i was right.

hyperinflation i was right

gas fuel skyrocketing in Feb 2022. i was right

keep being right and nobody acknowledges it

only reward bad behavior it seems.

go to my gettr account everything time stamped is there.
Facebook banned
twitter - FUBAR
insta - dont do it
tictok - ccp



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