PPW: Black Wrestlers You Should Know THE GODFATHER! 2/20/23

2 years ago

On the way back to Nashville after Rand’s first Live Memphis TV, Soultaker and Rand stopped to eat at a diner off of 40 in Bucksnort Tn.

Seemed nice enough and both were starving! They walked in and saw the sign that said “seat yourself”. So they did.

Ten minutes go by and the big haired, Ozzie looking, guy in the pink, animal print Zuba’s and the 300 plus pound, black man in the T Micheal shirt looked up and saw the waitress and the handful of “good ol’ boys” glaring at them.

Soultaker breaks the silence and asks Rand “do you see that”?

Rand: “um….. yes”.

Soul: “are you scared?”

Rand: “ummm” (afraid to admit it because Soul was a legit bad ass).

Soul: “brother! Even I’m scared!! Let’s get the fuck out of here while we still can”!!

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