The Nobel Surprize (v1.0, 5 Hour version)

2 years ago

The 5 Hour Version of The Nobel Surprize (v1.0)

Can't read the slides? Follow along directly:

Not sure what to do to stop World War 3, destruction of the planet, AI or corruption either secularly or spiritually? This is one solution you will not have heard anywhere else before. Perhaps it is one of our only real hopes as it is completely thinking outside the box:

Nobel Physics Prize: 26:22 - 44:15
Nobel Chemistry Prize: 44:15 - 1:18:09
Nobel Medical Prize: 1:18:09 - 1:45:39
Nobel Economics Prize: 1:45:39 - 2:34:48
Nobel Literature Prize: 2:34:48 - 3:16:23
Nobel Peace Prize: 3:16:23 - 4:29:26

Don't have 10 hours to watch the whole thing? Leave a comment of the 6 words you think must be addressed or present in your ideal world and we will provide timestamps where they might be covered in The Nobel Surprize to save you time and customize to your needs.

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