9/11 & The Scientific Method ⎹ Part 2, Temperature ⎹ Jonathan Cole, PE

1 year ago

Source: Jonathan Cole, Physics & Reason

This is part 2 of a two-part webinar. For the original version please visit AE911Truth.org. Research mainstream links regarding the official 9/11 story of how the twin towers collapsed and compare with the evidence highlighted in this video. Decide for yourself if the official story for the collapse of the twin towers addressed the evidence presented, using the scientific method.

00:00 - Introduction
03:20 - NFPA 921 High Order Damage
05:47 - Overwhelming Evidence of Explosions, Molten Steel and Iron-rich Spheres
16:55 - The Problem with Molten Steel or Iron
18:42 - NIST: No Responsibility; no Liability
22:48 - NIST: No Molten steel!
25:39 - Seven Unofficial Theories and the Official Non-theory
27:34 - The Scientific Method
29:41 - Molten Aluminum Experiments
30:28 - What color is that metal?
33:49 - The NIST molten aluminum - furniture theory
39:15 - Superheated molten aluminum
47:17 - The Mysterious Eutectic Steel Experiment
48:45 - What is a Eutectic temperature?
51:57 - The Mainstream Experts: The source of the sulfur was from gypsum wall board.
56:55 - Everyone wanted an experiment!
59:28 - Experimental Results: The source of the sulfur was not from the gypsum wall board.
1:00:27 - The Great Thermate Debate
1:03:58 - Mainstream Experts: Thermite can’t melt steel.
1:09:27 - Experimental results: Thermite can melt steel.
1:23:39 - Nano-thermite found in the dust
1:27:16 - Experiments with Nano-thermite
1:30:12 - The Mainstream Experts still can’t melt steel using thermite.
1:32:45 - The Ground Zero Fires
1:36:22 - Carbon Nanotubes in the dust and lungs of first responders.
1:39:00 - Theory Comparisons
1:39:28 - The media can’t fool practical people.
1:39:52 - Conclusions
1:42:20 - Resources

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