Planting Garden Again & Semi Free Ranging Chicks

7 years ago

We are attempting to plant our garden a third time this year. Our chickens are semi free ranging by day for healthy, happy lives.

We lost all our plants twice already to nature. Our first 300 seedlings were killed by a chipmunk which dug them all out and ate the seeds off the roots. We had started our plants indoors and put them out one day to get some sunlight. After an hour they were all gone.

So we bought some plants and wanted until after Memorial day based on what people around here told us. We put in a mess of tomatoes and peppers. It froze that night killing everything. The weather did not give us any indication of this happening so we could not have prepared for it.

So we bought three flats of plants again and put them in the garden. Now we have an entire row of tomatoes and a row of peppers. We hope to make our own salsa, chili sauce, and tomato products to keep us going all year.

We are also going to plant a lot of peas and beans from seed but we have to stop the small critters from ruining our garden first.

I am putting the chicks outside during the day for fresh air, sunlight and foraging. This has many benefits for the birds and for us.

The birds get a healthy life while they eat insects and plants in the yard. Each day I move the cage a little bit so they get a fresh plot to eat. This saves us on food costs as well.

We give them their chick starter food 24/7 so they can have all they want. But they also get wild edibles at the same time.

This gives the birds a good quality of life and also makes them clean for us.

We have 6 meat birds and the rest are going to be egg layers. For both types of birds we want them to be clean and healthy.

I leave the birds out in the yard all day in dog kennels placed door to door. This gives them plenty of room to spread out and forage.

In the evening I usher them into the smaller kennel and move that to the chicken too where I usher them out for the night.

Inside the huge walk in chicken coop they have a corner area with Tiki lights to keep them warm at night.

The Tiki lights are great because of one bulb goes out, there are more as backup. In this way I am sure that the birds will always have heat through the night.

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