Priority List

2 years ago

Well, it's funny because when I start working with companies and it happens all the time, I'll ask them what they use. And a lot of people have a to-do list.
Right? We all have a to-do list. I have a to-do list. But the mistake they make
is putting all of their to-dos on today. Right? So you have fifty different things on today.

Instead of looking at that and saying, what do I wanna get done today?
Having a separate list, and putting that on a planner, on a schedule, so that only those things that are most important are there. So they're both fires,
you know, the important things. If you're gonna lose a client, if you're gonna lose business, if you're gonna get a divorce, whatever those things are personal and professional, you wanna make sure that you have one piece of that on the day. And then at the end of the day, you could check those off.

Now that doesn't mean that those other thousand things don't get done.
Right? You have to move them in as you can and you really have to prioritize what is important, what can I get rid of completely and how can I kill the time wasters.

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