SLOBODNI podcast-Znanstvene minute #2 Maske ne čine razliku (transl. into english)

1 year ago

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"Maske ne čine razliku i točka" zaključak je Toma Jaffersona MD, nakon analize dosadašnjih studija na 329 stranica rada.
U znanstvenim minutama SLOBODNI podcasta Ivana Pavić prezentira nam zaključke velike analite više radova koji dokazuju da nošenje maski ne čini razliku u širenju virusa. Ako vas zanima što pomaže poslušajte.
Poveznica na reference koje se spominju su ovdje

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"Masks do not make a difference, period" is the conclusion of Tom Jefferson, MD, after analyzing the previous studies on 329 pages of work.
In the scientific minutes of the SLOBODNI podcast, Ph.D. Ivana Pavić MD. presents the conclusions of a large analysis of several papers that prove that wearing masks does not make a difference in the spread of the virus. If you are interested in what helps, listen.
The link to the references mentioned are here

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