What Is This Pulsing Moving Thing In The Sky ~ Reacts To Planes ~ UFO

8 years ago

We have no idea what we saw tonight. We are uploading this on the very night it happened. Maybe someone out there can tell us what this is.

This thing was definitely just above the clouds at times but was moving far away very rapidly at times.

It was changing brightness to super bright and then dim to sometimes invisible.

It clearly reacted to airplanes approaching overhead. When a plane neared, it moved farther away quite rapidly.

At one point you clearly see its lights facing us, then a plane nears. You very clearly see it turn away from us and move away rapidly. You can see the lights as it turns away and moves out of sight.

Each time a plane passed nearby it vanished or dimmed and moved farther away.

It was always moving down and to the right as we watched. But sometimes it very quickly moved around. It always came back to where it last was.

At first we thought it was camera tricks but we could see with our own eyes the thing moving closer and farther away.

It changed colors from a bluish white to a reddish white sometimes.

I am not into aliens or whatever but this was certainly some sort of plane/craft/ship/flying object in the sky.

Is it a weather balloon? I dont think so. Military? Maybe. Something else?

Please share your thoughts on this.

Three of us watched and saw the same thing. We do not drink. Dont smoke. Dont do any sort of drugs. Not on any meds at all. We were all clear headed when we watched this.

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