2 years ago

Citing the horrific side effects, deaths and disabilities caused by these injections Dr. Malone, a Harvard Med Fellow, explains that the harm FAR outweighs any good from them, especially since they don't work as promised by so many politicians and celebrities like Dr. Dolly Parton, Dr. Sean Penn and Dr. Morgan Freeman...all of whom were probably given giant chunks of Pfizer/Moderna/J&J stock for their "testimonials". Products that work against a "deadly threat" don't have to be advertised and pushed on the public - people will rush to get them.
Problem is, Covid is treatable, therefore the emergency authorization was illegal and inappropriate. The injections do not reduce infections or spread of the "virus" which is NOT TERMINAL for 99.8% of people. People are more likely to have sickness or even death if they've been given these injections than if they're got no injections. These injections damage the heart, brain, lungs and reproductive organs and ruin the natural immune system. There needs to be investigations into how these injections are harming people and why they were approved without proper testing when Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine with a vitamin regimen work every time. The taxpaying American citizens who unwittingly paid for this entire nightmare, deserve to know the whole truth about this fiasco or ruinous damage pressed upon them by Big Med & Bit Pharma, who made 100 Billion Dollars off of this scam. People need to be put on trial for the damage done and the lives lost. Children who trusted their parents and the nauseating TV commercials telling them they'd be "covid heroes" if they took the jab have ended up dead or permanently heart damaged which significantly reduces their life expectancy.

It has recently been shown by Dr. David Nixon that Colloidal Gold destroys the nanotechnology in these shots and that beets reduce inflammation including that around the heart.

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