Frozen Homestead & Building Shelving & Mulching Greenhouse

7 years ago

In the morning it was about 27 degrees outside and everything was under a coating of frost. I built some shelves and mulched the greenhouse floor to keep the dust down inside.

We had a good freeze in the night. By 9 pm in the evening before it was already down to 32 degrees F. In the morning it was 27 at 7 am.

Everything is dead for sure now at the off grid homestead. Already in the evening the frost was forming on the ground. By morning the ground was glistening.

The flowers are gone for sure now. Some of the flowers burst open at the stems due to freezing in the night.

I worked in the greenhouse most of the day. I went out to our mulch pile and got a truck load of mulch to spread out on the greenhouse floor. The dust is so bad in there that it was making me sick. And it will certainly be bad for the plants.

I hope to put down gravel but for now I cant afford that. So I used mulch.

I am working in the greenhouse and organizing the place to see where everything will go. I have three 55 gallon drums out there to see if I can use them to hold water as a thermal mass and then put a grow bed on top of them. I figure I can use the wood stove to heat the water in the barrels which will then radiate the water all night back into the greenhouse.

I started to build some shelves which will hold my old greenhouse frame up above the raised grow bed which currently holds our lettuce plants.

Watch for part two of the video.....

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