A high energy pastor's anti-beard rant; Here's what's wrong with it.

2 years ago

Someone made me aware of the video of this pastor preaching against beards, to a massive crowd of cheers, and I realized that the question I took in yesterday's Q&A was likely from this rant, which is making it's rounds on social media. I thought it would be useful to juxtapose my answers with his claims. This kind of bad thinking is hurtful to people and I hope this video helps you to recognize it when you see it. It's not just about beards. I thought it was hugely ironic that he even says, "We don't need beards, we need oil," when one of the chief, positive verses about beards is where oil is being poured on one.

Some verse references from the video...

Ps 133:1-2 – Aaron.
Loss of a beard associated with shame. 2 Sam 10:4-5; Isa 7:20, 15:2; Jer 41:5, 48:37
David had a beard. 1 Sam 21:13
Aaron had a beard. Psalm 133:2
David’s servants had beards. 2 Sam 10:4
Ezra had a beard. Ezra 9:3
Jesus had a beard. Isaiah 50:6 (if you grant that this is a prophecy regarding Christ, which I do)
Ezekiel had a beard. Ezek 5:1
Jews in Israel, in New Testament times, generally had beards. It is a default view that any traditional Jewish man in Israel at the time would have had a beard.

This is not to say you MUST grow a beard to be manly... but it might help. ;)

My website https://BibleThinker.org

The pastor in this video is Stephen Buxton, the former pastor of Hilltop Tabernacle in San Diego, CA. His son is now the pastor and he remains a bishop/elder.

The original sermon can be found here, at a non-trinitarian conference of “Apostolic Pentecostals”. https://www.youtube.com/live/5I4gZ9Nn...

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