Picked Up 30 More Chickens For The Homestead

7 years ago

It was the hottest day yet here on the homestead at 96 degrees F in the shade. We went to get chicks to finish off our flock for the year.

In the morning Melanie and I went out for a walk which turned out to be a blueberry picking time. Then we ended up working in the garden a little bit.

I strung up some more peas while Melanie planted some seeds which she had sprouted.

Then it was already getting hot.

We had an early lunch at 11:30 and left in our air conditioned car to get our 15 chicks that we had ordered long ago. We bought and paid for 15 Buff Orpingtons on the 12th of June. We had to pay in advance.

The store forgot to order them the next week. On the following week we kept calling into the store and they always said our birds were not there.

Finally the next week, after the 4th of July holidays, someone said yes, our birds are in. So we drove the 45 minutes to get our birds.

When we got there, the birds had been sold. They said our birds had been there over a week and were sold. Miscommunication on the part of the store employees.

So we ordered our birds again and waited.

Finally on this day our little birds were there waiting for us.

I had planned to order 15 more Cornish mix meat birds next time I was in. But they happened to have 30 birds on hand so we bought them and brought home our new birds.

We now have about 60 chickens on our homestead. The first 6 meat birds are about ready for processing. The next 10 meat birds will be ready in a few weeks.

And the next 15 will take about 8 to 12 weeks to be ready for the table. This gives us enough time to process and use the birds as time goes on.

The 15 Buff Orpingtons will be dual purpose birds. They will be kept for laying eggs and for meat as needed through the winter months. This gives us a bird every week for 15 weeks through the winter after we use up our first stock of meat birds.

A package arrived in the mail containing a remote speaker and adapter meant for my GoPro camera. I hope it will work.

It was 96 degrees in the shade in the afternoon so I called it a day and tried to beat the heat.

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