Beautifying Our Almost Fully Off Grid Homestead

7 years ago

We had a very busy day at the homestead working in the yard and garden. Melanie picked a mess of blueberries while I worked in the yard.

In the morning I shoveled the last of the mulch onto the new garden plot walkway. Then I put soil around the potatoes so that they can provide more food for us.

Later after it rains and the soil settles some I will put some sand up around them as well.

I got the Snapper lawn mower going again and finished mowing the entire yard. I also cut some paths through the woods and out by the orchard. I cut a path out to the road on the other side too.

I also cut the edges of the property along the roads. I figure I mowed the grass for about two hours on this day.

Melanie picked a mess of blueberries while I worked. She had a seat that she moved along as she worked. She got another 3 or 4 pounds in a short time.

I later got out the push mower and did all the trim work in the yard. I also mowed around the orchard trees and around the electric fence line.

I mowed a path out into the woods a ways so that Melanie and I can get out there to pick berries without fear of ticks.

The place is really looking nice now.

Melanie put the onions into the new garden plot where I had put the mulch for her to walk on. These are the ones we got for free recently.

It felt good to sit back and see what we did on this day.

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