The Desecration of St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City ~ Catholic Video Lecture (RJMI, 2013)

1 year ago

This lecture is one piece of irrefutable proof that the Great Apostasy was great indeed in the 15th century when St. Peter’s Basilica was desecrated with idols, false gods, false religions, immodesty, and pornography. And the desecration remains to this day! It proves that the apostate antipopes who approved or allowed this and other desecrations were as evil as the apostate antipopes of the Vatican II Church. And it proves that the new, heretical theology of scholasticism, which is the glorification of philosophy, led to these desecrations and many heresies, incompetencies, non-judgmentalism, non-punishmentalism, false saints, and massive immorality. Below is a list of the chapter headings of this three hour lecture:

Idolatrous and immodest doors of St. Peter’s Basilica “The Enemies on the Gates”
Apostate Catholics hide the evidence
Desecrations inside St. Peter’s Basilica “The Enemies inside the Gates”
The hypocrisy of the “Entrance Sign” banning immodestly dressed visitors
The Renaissance desecrations were worse than the Vatican II Church’s desecration of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
Apostate Catholic Europeans are the same as Apostate Catholic Indians
What if St. Patrick would have had idols in his church?
Anathemas against idols and the desecration of holy places
Churches desecrated with idols and immodesty are non-Catholic churches
Culpability regarding desecrations
The idolatrous doors desecrated St. Peter’s Basilica in 1445
Some of the heresies of the Great Apostasy
Some of the incompetencies
There have been no true popes or true cardinals since 1445 when St. Peter’s Basilica was desecrated
Pedophilia prevalent in the 16th century
Idolatrous and immodest tombs in St. Peter’s Basilica
Apostate Antipope Pius V gave idols to others and allowed them to remain on the doors and in other places
Apostate Antipope Pius X allowed naked and idolatrous art to remain in churches and other places
Other crimes of idolatry, heresy, and immorality
What led to the desecration and the unchaining of Satan
God will destroy St. Peter’s Basilica
The Catholic way to learn about and exhibit idols and false gods
Unless you condemn the idolatry and idolaters, do not talk to us true Catholics
As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and in this case a million words. It proves how perverse and corrupt their faith and theology were - even if one never studied the thousands of books, tomes, and summas of their perverse, corrupt, and heretical theology!

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