Jared Bottoms, The Story Of A Working Class Hero

2 years ago

Episode 156 - Health Heroes! I was so excited to interview Jared Bottoms who has been a long time listener and customer of Chemical Free Body products! Jared called into our company a while back and requested to speak with me to find strategies to help a friend of his with depression. After chatting with Jared for a while about his friend I started asking him questions about how he found us, his own health journey and what he was doing to give back in his local area… I was amazed. I told him: “Dude, you're literally a working class hero in your community and you have to come on my show and tell your story!”. Luckily for all of us he agreed. I hope Jared’s story inspires you to take action in your own life and realize that we all are superheroes and yes we can make a difference not only in our lives but also the lives of many other people once we realize how powerful we really are. Thank you for listening, please subscribe and share this podcast if you like the content and think it could benefit someone you know. Love & Light -Coach Tim.  

Tim’s Favorite, HIGHEST QUALITY Health Product Recommendations

Best Detox & Nutrition Supplements: https://www.chemicalfreebody.com/ 

Best Hydrogen Machine: Tim’s personal unit - CLICK HERE

Best Infrared Saunas & Healing Lamps: Tim’s personal unit - Save $100 CLICK HERE

Water Purification/Restructuring System: Book FREE Consult CLICK HERE

Best Home Air Purification Unit : Tim’s personal unit CLICK HERE

Best Non Toxic Home Building Materials: CLICK HERE 

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