"Foundation of the Word" 1 of 2

2 years ago

NOTE: These studies were recorded much earlier than October 3, 2013 but the "recorded date" represents the date that Chuck W. Smith went to be with the Lord. We have been unable to find out the exact date when these messages were taught. If you have some documented information to share regarding this, please send to us at <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#335151555c5b5a5c7343415c475c5d5e525a5f1d505c5e"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="adcfcfcbc2c5c4c2eddddfc2d9c2c3c0ccc4c183cec2c0">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>

We are unaware of any copyright laws over these studies that are decades old and published without copyright notice on this site for many years: <a href="http://server.firefighters.org/kjv/projects/firefighters/kjv_web/html/sermons.htm" rel="nofollow">http://server.firefighters.org/kjv/projects/firefighters/kjv_web/html/sermons.htm</a>

This 2 part study is being presented here by BBF for several reasons:

(1) To keep the TRUE position of Pastor Chuck Smith known to the body of Christ.

(2) To document the falling away of Calvary Chapel from the original statement of faith that can be seen and read here: <a href="https://bbfohio.com/bible-version-issue" rel="nofollow">https://bbfohio.com/bible-version-issue</a>

(3) To provide additional context to the personal growth of Pastor Greg on this issue and of the position take by Bible Believers Fellowship of Worthington, OH.


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