Top Secret Government Conspiracy Revealed Government Secrets & Cover Ups Revealed

1 year ago

Area 51, Watergate, MK Ultra - as different as these three topics may seem, they’re all part of a series of massive government cover-ups. In the world of government conspiracies, something doesn’t have to be completely outlandish to get covered up. It just has to be kind of illegal, or at least make someone in the government look bad. For instance, whether the bomb lost near Tybee Island was an armed or unarmed nuke depends on who you ask, and who you believe.

For every whisper of a downed UFO, there are hundreds of real secret government projects that we’ve never heard about, and that may never be declassified. That's why it’s always interesting to read about the secrets of the government that have actually been revealed. This list of the most successful government cover-ups covers a wide range of government secrets ranging from assassination attempts to mind control. Put on your tinfoil hat, it’s time to get weird.

Whether or not you want to believe it, every president (whether Democrat or Republican) has knowledge of hidden government secrets. Some of them have to do with illicit military tactics, while others involve hidden railroads and alien conspiracies. It’s entirely possible that some of the government secrets on this list are fabrications or extensions of the truth. But the scariest stories are the ones that are 100% verified and true.

Check your phone for wiretaps and dig into this list of the most successful US government secrets leaked. Vote up the biggest government cover-ups, and leave us a comment full of your craziest super real conspiracy theories.

Every wonder what the US government uses as their Wikipedia? While they can access the same system we can, they also have an advanced system used to collect and gather information on TOP SECRET and sensitive projects called Intellipedia. According to the government’s admission here is what Intellipedia does for them:

“Intellipedia is an online system for collaborative data sharing used by the United States Intelligence Community (IC). It was established as a pilot project in late 2005 and formally announced in April 2006 and consists of three wikis running on JWICS, SIPRNet, and Intelink-U. The levels of classification allowed for information on the three wikis are Top Secret, Secret, and Sensitive But Unclassified/FOUO information, respectively. They are used by individuals with appropriate clearances from the 16 agencies of the IC and other national-security related organizations, including Combatant Commands and other federal departments. The wikis are not open to the public.”

Recently, the Intellipedia files were released to the public via the Freedom of Information Act, and in the video below I delve through some of the “conspiracy” files that the government has processed over the years. Here is the breaking report…

CIA Mind Control
When the Cold War was at its peak, the CIA began testing the possibility of using mind control to create sleeper agents that would infiltrate communist Russia. The project went by numerous names, but the most famous was Project MK-Ultra. It involved government scientists using methamphetamine, barbiturates, LSD, and hypnosis to break down a subject and then rebuild them with very specific qualities.

Needless to say, it didn't work how they wanted it to. The project was scrapped, but not before CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all documents from Project MK-ULTRA to be destroyed.

The Watergate Scandal
The Watergate Scandal, named after the building where much of the scandal took place, is the most well-known government scandal of them all. The basic story goes like this: Under President Nixon's orders, a group of men broke into the DNC headquarters at the Watergate complex in order to find dirt on the Democratic party that could be used in upcoming elections.

The men were caught, and money that they had on them was traced back to a slush fund used by a committee to re-elect the president. Nixon did his best to cover up the scandal, and even succeeded for a while, but the entire plot unraveled when a tape was released that proved Nixon was trying to cover up the scandal. And the rest is history.

The JFK Assassination
It probably goes without saying that the JFK assassination is one of the biggest suspected government cover-ups ever. Whether or not you believe the numerous conspiracy theories, you probably don't think that the government was completely transparent with the American people.

With theories ranging from the presence of multiple gunmen to a rogue secret service agent who accidentally shot the president, it's safe to say that we'll never know the full story of President Kennedy's end.

Area 51
Area 51 has long been considered a Mecca for conspiracy theorists, and while there have been a few legit cover-ups at Area 51 (spy plane tests, the SR-71 Blackbird, etc.), the Nevada-based government site is still a hotbed of secret activity.

It probably goes without saying that we'll never know exactly what's going on out there in the desert, but that won't stop people from speculating.

The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on CIA Torture
In 2014, the Senate Report on CIA Detention Interrogation Program was released after five years of preparation. Inside, we finally saw that the CIA had not only been using illegal interrogation techniques, but that those so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" hadn't even worked all that well.

We're not sure what the government wanted to cover up more: The fact that they'd been torturing people or that it was essentially useless.

The CIA Tried To Take Out Castro
In the '60s, America tried to assassinate Castro SO MANY TIMES that things kind of got out of hand.

So much so that when the information on our many assassination attempts (which included everything from exploding cigars to mafia hits) was declassified almost 40 years after later, it made our government look like writers for Get Smart.

The My Lai Massacre
The My Lai Massacre was a mass killing of around 500 unarmed civilians that took place during the Vietnam War. Initially, the massacre was reported as a routine battle. But after a helicopter gunner sent a letter to Congress asking them to investigate the incident, the story blew open.

Unfortunately, many military officials still see the My Lai Massacre as collateral damage.

The Iran-Contra Affair
This scandal from the presidency of Ronald Reagan continues to be one of the biggest cover-ups in recent history. Initially, the Iran-Contra deal began as a way for President Reagan to free seven American hostages being held in Lebanon by facilitating the sale of arms to Iran. But after the sale was made, a portion of the money went to fund anti-Sandinista and anti-Communist rebels in Nicaragua.

Even after all of this information was released, Reagan's involvement with the deal has remained classified, and the few convictions that were handed down to lower-level government agents were either overturned or the men were pardoned by President George H.W. Bush during the final year of his presidency.

The Teapot Dome Scandal
In the early 1920s, the Teapot Dome scandal rocked America when it was revealed that the Secretary of the Interior had been leasing Navy petroleum reserves at super low rates without competitive bidding.

The secretary was sentenced to prison for accepting bribes, but no one was ever convicted for paying those bribes.

The Siege Of Waco
Most people who are old enough to remember the ATF's siege on David Koresh's Waco compound know the basic premise of this affair: The government wanted to shut down a cult that was hoarding a massive amount of weapons. But the true story of the siege is way more nuanced.

David Koresh and the Branch Davidians had been living peacefully in Mount Carmel for a year when the ATF set their sights on them. But thanks to a lack of planning and poor execution, the ATF ended up with a massacre on their hands. To this day, conflicting reports of what truly happened in Waco abound, and it's likely that the truth will never come out.

Franklin Child Prostitution Ring
This cover-up shows how depraved we can really be when we become blinded by absolute power. The Franklin Child Prostitution Ring lasted from the late '80s to the early '90s and allegedly involved members of the Republican party, including Nebraska FCU branch manager Lawrence King.

Allegedly, King transported children of all ages across the country for secret "parties" where the children would be molested, beaten, and even murdered. When the ring was exposed, the witnesses were deemed not credible. But Lawrence King was given a prison term of four and a half years for embezzling funds.

The Majestic 12
The Majestic 12 is the code name of a supposed secret committee of 12 scientists, military leaders, and government officials formed by President Truman in 1947 under the auspices of recovering and investigating a downed alien aircraft.

The alleged cover-up came to light in the mid-'80s when a Ufologist received a mysterious envelope that contained pictures of eight pages of documents that appeared to be briefing papers describing "Operation Majestic Twelve."

Bohemian Grove
Bohemian Grove, while not one of the US government's most well-hidden secrets, is definitely one of its strangest. Bohemian Grove is a campsite in Northern California that you can visit any time you like, except in mid-July, when it plays host to a two-week encampment of the world's leaders. There have been theories as to what happens at Bohemian Grove. Stories range from orgies to cannibalism and even Satanic rituals.

At one point, the Franklin Child Prostitution ring was even linked to the Grove. Despite multiple investigations, no one's ever truly found out what happens at the encampment. You know what they say, what happens at Bohemian Grove, stays at Bohemian Grove.

The Plot To Take Out Hitler
Like the many plots to take out Castro, America tried to kill Hitler so many times that you'd think we were living in an episode of Hogan's Heroes. The main plot is often referred to as the "July 20th Plot" or "Operation Valkyrie," and the aim was to use members of Hitler's own party to take him out.

Then, the US would assume power from within to create peace between Germany and the Western Allies. Unfortunately, the plot failed, which led to the arrest of at least 7,000 people by the Gestapo.

HAARP was an ionospheric research facility in Alaska, and the scandal surrounding it remains one of the most widely contested government cover-ups ever. Theorists debate not only the function but the necessity of having a High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.

Some people believe that HAARP is a secret military weapon, while others believe that HAARP technology is being used to trigger floods, major power outages, and thunderstorms.

Track 61
Throughout the '40s, there was a secret railway in Grand Central station that catered to FDR and any VIPs who were deemed special enough to use the train.

What would a discussion of government cover-ups be without the mention of chemtrails? Allegedly, the contrails left behind air crafts when they fly across the country contain biological agents that have harmful effects on the general population. Chemtrail truthers argue that normal contrails dissipate almost immediately, while the spooky chemtrails take much longer to go away (because of all the chemicals).

Despite multiple debunkings and the government's denial of using contrails to dose people with... something, people still believe it's a cover-up.

Project Serpo
Put your tinfoil hat on for this one. Project Serpo is the name of an alleged top-secret exchange program between the United States government and an alien planet called Serpo. The planet is supposedly the home of The Greys (if you click that link, we're not responsible for the rabbit hole you'll go down), and the place where 12 members of American military personnel visited between 1965 and 1978. Since then, all of the party have perished, supposedly from the effects of high radiation levels from the two suns of the planet.

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