Censoring Conservatives Killed Facebook: Go Woke, Go Broke

1 year ago

#facebook #zuckerberg #failing

Facebook has been a giant in the social media space for over a decade now. It has become the go-to platform for billions of users who log on every day to connect with friends, family, and communities. But the once-dominant platform is facing a massive crisis. In recent years, Facebook has been losing billions of dollars, and the reasons behind this are complex.

One of the most significant factors contributing to Facebook's decline is that younger generations do not use it as much as older generations. This is hardly surprising, as social media habits tend to shift with age. The younger generation is more inclined to use newer and more innovative platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Facebook's problems.

The elephant in the room that is often ignored in discussions of Facebook's downfall is the fact that, since 2017, the company has been shadow-banning conservatives. This is a process by which users are de-platformed or their content is suppressed, essentially silencing their voices. While Facebook has denied engaging in shadow-banning, there is overwhelming evidence to suggest otherwise.

In addition to this, Facebook's actions during the COVID-19 pandemic have also contributed to its decline. Many users have been banned or censored for questioning or criticizing the unprecedented mandates put in place to combat the virus. While it is understandable that Facebook would want to prevent the spread of misinformation, the censorship has led to the perception that the platform is biased and actively suppresses dissenting views.

These actions have had a profound impact on Facebook's user base. By alienating and persecuting half of its user base, Facebook has effectively cut its potential customer base in half. This means that fewer people are clicking on ads, downloading apps, and buying things on Facebook. As a result, the platform's revenues have plummeted, leading to its downfall.

While there are many reasons why Facebook is collapsing, the company's actions towards conservatives and COVID-19 dissenters cannot be ignored. By suppressing dissenting voices, Facebook has alienated a significant portion of its user base and destroyed the trust that users had in the platform. Unless the company takes steps to address these issues and rebuild that trust, it is likely that Facebook's decline will continue.

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