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No True Popes Or Cardinals Since 1130 AD ~ Catholic Audio Lecture (RJMI, 2013)
This lecture was recorded on 12/21/2013.
The Great Apostasy began in the 11th century and thus not with the Vatican II Church. The crimes committed back then were as evil and numerous as the crimes of the Vatican II Church. There have been no popes or cardinals since 1130 AD. All of the so-called popes and so-called cardinals from Innocent II (1130-1143) until today were and are apostate antipopes and apostate anticardinals for supporting or allowing one or more of the following crimes or criminals. The topics discussed here include:
1) All of the apostate antipopes and anti-cardinals supported or allowed the desecration of Catholic places with images against the Catholic faith and morals. And most of the desecrations remain to this day. For this crime alone all of them are idolaters and formal heretics and thus banned from holding offices even if they did not hold any other heresy or idolatry.
2) Some of the apostate antipopes and anti-cardinals supported or allowed the heresy of scholasticism, which is the glorification of philosophy.
3) All of the apostate antipopes and anti-cardinals supported or allowed the glorification of the false gods and false religions of mythology at least by supporting or allowing Catholic places to be desecrated with the images of idols, false gods, false religions, and pagans.
4) All of the apostate antipopes and anti-cardinals glorified immorality at least by supporting or allowing Catholic places to be desecrated with immoral images.
5) All of the apostate antipopes and anti-cardinals were guilty of the heresies of non-judgmentalism or non-punishmentalism, which were necessary for the crimes and criminals of the Great Apostasy to make steady progress and succeed.
6) Many of the apostate antipopes and anti-cardinals held other heresies, some of which are listed in the RJMI article, “No Popes or Cardinals since 1130.”
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