This video shows in detail a hate group who loses on purpose in my League Games

1 year ago
#Aatrox #Ahri #Akali #Alistar #Amumu #Anivia #Annie #Aphelios #Ashe #AurelionSol #Azir #Bard #Blitzcrank #Brand #Braum #Caitlyn #Camille #Cassiopeia #ChoGath #Corki #Darius #Diana #Mundo #Draven #Ekko #Elise #Evelynn #Ezreal #Fiddlesticks #Fiora #Fizz #Galio #Gangplank #Garen #Gnar #Gragas #Graves #Hecarim #Heimerdinger #Illaoi #Irelia #Ivern #Janna #Jarvan #Jax #Jayce #Jhin #Jinx #KaiSa #Kalista #Karma #Karthus #Kassadin #Katarina #Kayle #Kayn #Kennen #KhaZix #Kindred #Kled #KogMaw #LeBlanc #LeeSin #Leona #Lillia #Lissandra #Lucian #Lulu #Lux #Malphite #Malzahar #Maokai #MasterYi #Miss Fortune #Mordekaiser #Morgana #Nami #Nasus #Nautilus #Neeko #Nidalee #Nocturne #Nunu and Willump #Olaf #Orianna #Ornn #Pantheon #Poppy #Pyke #Qiyana #Quinn #Rakan #Rammus #RekSai #Rell #Renekton #Rengar #Riven #Rumble #Ryze #Samira #Sejuani #Senna #Seraphine #Sett #Shaco #Shen #Shyvana #Singed #Sion #Sivir #Skarner #Sona #Soraka #Swain #Sylas #Syndra #Tahm Kench #Taliyah #Talon #Pyke #Qiyana #Quinn #Rakan #Rammus #Reksai #Rell #Renekton #Rengar #Riven #Rumble #Ryze #Samira #Sejuani #Senna #Seraphine #Sett #Shaco #Shen #Shyvana #Singed #Sion #Sivir #Skarner #Sona #Soraka #Swain #Sylas #Syndra #Tahm Kench #Taliyah #Talon #Taric #Teemo #Thresh #Tristana #Trundle #Tryndamere #Twisted Fate #Twitch #Udyr #Urgot #Varus #Vayne #Veigar #Vel'Koz #Vi #Viktor #Vladimir #Volibear #Warwick #Wukong #Xayah #Xerath #Xin Zhao #Yasuo #Yone #Yorick #Yuumi #Zac #Zed #Ziggs #Zilean #Zoe #Zyra #STEAM #AI #dalle #COD #starcitizen #ai #nasa #pubg #NoMansSky #pc #nintendo #ps5 #ps4 #aiart #art #amongus #rust #mmo #amongus #nft #fantasy #RPG #video #space #starwars #eve #fortnite #startrek #minecraft #xbox #vr #ar #valve #elite #STEAM #AI #dalle #COD #starcitizen #ai #nasa #pubg #NoMansSky #pc #nintendo #ps5 #ps4 #aiart #art #amongus #rust #mmo #amongus #nft #fantasy #RPG #4 #space #starwars #eve #fortnite #startrek #minecraft #xbox #vr #ar #valve #elite

It's gone on 6400 games. I keep track statistically.

80% of the time, these guys show up and loss trade.

You can't win a game where your team is trying to lose. Babe Ruth couldn't win a game of baseball if that happened. Wayne Gretzky could win a single game of hockey if his team is losing on purpose. Thrown games happen in sports like boxing, and they happen in esports. If you don't like the politics of a star player, just make him lose all his games. And I've been #1 world at many games: I used to be a diamond player when I was bad at the game and that was about 8000 games ago. I'm probably mid GM now, and with about 1000 games of practice with challengers, I bet could hang with pros. This will not happen though because my team is ALWAYS trying to lose on purpose.

Break down:
The game before I had a Kayn support who ran it down, a Patheon who pinged me though I have pings muted... So I knew if I queue up again, they'd have even more loss traders here. I seemed to attract the whole crew who hates me due to my religion.

For whatever reason they make names that are troll:
Our Top has an insult name no one would name themselves.
Kindred has a name against the TOS.

One mid is named Zest.
Other mid is named Mike.
I have a friend named Mike with an account named Zest. They're known to harass my friends lists and make names like em.

They hate me due to my religion and one guy named Noah.

One guy is a letter spam name.

I'm bottom and my support Ashe is not using her w. She literally doesn't use abilities for a while. Then she walks up and 1v2s to die a few times. Steals my cs some, then leaves lane when she could be getting exp to die 1v2 in the jungle. Then leaves lane semi permanently.

My jungle does his horrible horrible gank that over extends him, and I don't follow because I know loss traders over extend then their allies show to kill my champ...And they tried.

The adc/support I face always ran first mentality than dodge and attack me. Like old pros who never wanted to face me in Warcraft3, Starcraft, they back off from a fair fight so they can feed their friends and come at me fed and with superior numbers. It's total cheat mode, the entire game.

They been doing this for 6400 games and the guy Tristan Riggi says he's paid 500$ a month to harass me. He's sent death threats, told me it was because of my religion he hates me. He makes up false accusations to social media moderators to harm my business. I believe he's paid by a game company with technical expertise because when I was helping Tristian work in game development I promoted him to gaming companies... And that was when he snapped and became like Stan from Letters to Eminem.

Anyway, if you don't believe it, watch this video, or the many dozens I have on my goodnewsjim youtube.

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