General Michael Flynn: Vice President Biden Visited Ukraine 12-13 Times in His Last Year as VP

1 year ago

General Flynn: Vice President Biden Visited Ukraine 12-13 Times in His Last Year as VP –ALL OF THESE Trips Need to be Investigated!

What Americans now know is how totally crooked and corrupt the Obama and this current administration are.

General Flynn: Vice President Biden… in the last year that he was the Vice President, he visited Ukraine 12 or 13 times…

You have to ask why?
And every single one of those trips needs to be investigated. How many of them did Hunter participate on?
Or how many did Joe Biden bring his brother on?

All these kinds of issues, the type of questions that need to be asked, and it doesn’t need to be asked in back rooms. It needs to be asked in public.....

Read more HERE:

Also: BOOOOM! How Biden Will Deal With The ‘Deep State’ Trump Built For Him? Q Mystery Book | Where We Go One, We Go All! -

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