This Is What People With Depression Desperately Want From You

1 year ago

If you have depression, you probably want this but never get it...

In this video, Holly Barkar, Ph.D., a Stafford Fox Centenary Fellow of Rare Cancer Biology and Genomics, shares what she wanted from the people around her when she was experiencing depression.

Holly shares that when she was really going through it, she realized that people really STRUGGLED to understand what she was going through. ❗

If you have depression, you probably want this but never get it...

In this video, Holly Brook, Ph.D., a Stafford Fox Centenary Fellow of Rare Cancer Biology and Genomics, shares what she wanted from the people around her when she was experiencing depression.

Holly shares that when she was really going through it, she realized that people really STRUGGLED to understand what she was going through. ❗

She adds that she had hoped that they would show empathy and offer some kind of support, but since people didn't really know how to approach her, a lot of her relationships just faded away. 🛑

This goes to show that if you know someone who's pulling back from everyone, reaching out and offering some empathy will go a long way! 🤝

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:

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