Chris Sky- The mortgage crisis is being orchestrated with to try and force you to accept the UBI

1 year ago


Chris Sky's real name is Chris Saccoccia. "Sky" came from his 20-year home building business name called "Sky Homes Corp" (I think Chris's father is a land developer in Ontario so he had a good start).

As a Canadian I can agree to what Chris says here that Canadians have no problem borrowing more & more money to buy their over priced houses as long as they own a house. Most of them are basically DEBT SLAVES.

After the 2008 subprime crisis, Canadian homes continued to go UP in value$ (Money printing through easy money lending policies and low interest rates).

The BANK OF CANADA rate in January 2022 was .25% (or 25% of 1%) and for 12 months the BoC just like the US Federal Reserve has increased interest rates continually for 12 months and both are now at 4.50% (All to fight inflation they claim).
Check out this link from the "Bank of Canada" showing the interest rate increases from January 26th 2022 (.25%) to January 25th 2023 (4.50%).
January 26th 2022= .25%
January 25th 2023= 4.5%

So a BoC rate at .25% climbing a year later to 4.5% is a 1,700% INCREASE in interest rate just from the BoC alone.
The next BoC interest rate announcement is on March 8th 2023. Will they increase it another .25%?? Something is going to break in the economy at some point.

In October 2022, the national average home price was $644,643, down 9.9% from the previous year (The "Average" as it depends where you live in Canada- Toronto and Vancouver being much higher$).

You can find the POLLS over the years that show at least 50% of Canadians are just 1 paycheque away from bankruptcy as they are in debt so much and using credit cards to pay for other debts.

So with a 25 year amortization you still have to renew your mortgage every 5 years so everyone with a mortgage is going to be paying MUCH MORE$$$ in interest when they are forced to renew from now to 4 years from now assuming they renewed back in January 2022 at the low BoC rate.

The WEF "UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME" (UBI) is still going through Canadian Parliament to get implemented so we can see when the financial crash inevitably comes (IE the Great Reset), many destitute home owners and regular people will be more willing to accept UBI and the CBDC system (Forced vaccines and all that WEF stuff) than they would be willing now.

Myself personally, I am out of real estate and have lots of physical SILVER, some cheap silver miners that I am currently buying on this current dip and some crypto.
A good friend of mine is in the final stages of renovating his Vancouver house to put on the market for $2 million and he is freaking out right now that he won't be able to sell it in time as he KNOWS what is going on as he watch's the interest rates rise which means LESS people can afford to borrow which brings real estate prices down.

Chris shows a CBC news article of an Ontario couple who bought their home a year ago and now their mortgage payments have gone from $2,800CAD to $4,400CAD. That is not manageable and most will find themselves in that situation when they go to RENEW their mortgages once their terms end over the next few years.

One financial analyst I follow is a Canadian named David Brady to do with following the US Federal Reserve and timing gold and silver purchases. He lives in Ontario and is seeing house prices in various areas fall 40-60%. INSANE!

Buying a house is an emotional decision as it does not make sense financially over the past few years but people don't care as they believe real estate only goes up. They are going to learn a lesson as I remember 1981 when normal interest rates were 10% and to fight inflation US Federal Reserve Chairman raised interest rates to 21% in 6 months and the Bank of Canada did the same. Times are much different NOW than they were THEN as the US Debt is at $32 Trillion and counting.

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