Frisbee Boomerang Trick Shot Battle - Brodie Smith

1 year ago

To make an HTTP request in Javascript, you can use the built-in XMLHttpRequest object or the newer Fetch API. Here's an example using the Fetch API to fetch data from a YouTube video:

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.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.error(error));
In this example, you would need to replace {VIDEO_ID} with the ID of the YouTube video you want to fetch and {YOUR_API_KEY} with your own YouTube Data API key. The part=snippet parameter specifies that you only want to retrieve basic information about the video, such as its title and description.

The fetch function returns a Promise that resolves with the server's response. The response can be converted to JSON using the JSON () method. The resulting data can then be logged to the console or processed in any other way you need. If an error occurs, it can be caught and logged to the console using the catch method.

Note that if you want to make an HTTP request to a different domain than the one your script is running on, you may need to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) on the server you're requesting too.

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