From Poverty to Prosperity | My Journey to Canada

1 year ago

I was born in Albania, a small country located in Southeast Europe. Albania is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. However, during the time I was growing up, the country was going through a difficult period due to political and economic instability. Life was tough, and opportunities were limited.

Moving to Canada

In search of a better life, my parents made the tough decision to leave everything behind and move to Canada. I was very young at the time, and it was a big adjustment for me. But I quickly realized the immense sacrifice my parents made for my future.

Sacrificing for a Better Future

My parents gave up everything they had back home to give me and my siblings a better future. They worked hard and made many sacrifices to ensure that we had a good life in Canada. I will be forever grateful for everything they have done for me.

Struggling with English

One of the biggest challenges I faced when I first arrived in Canada was the language barrier. English was not my first language, and I had trouble communicating with others. I remember feeling frustrated and embarrassed when I couldn't express myself properly.

Moving Around a Lot

Growing up, my family moved around a lot. We lived in different neighborhoods and attended different schools. This made it difficult for me to make lasting friendships and establish a sense of stability.

My School Experience

I attended elementary, middle, and high school in Canada. My experience in the school system was mixed. I had some amazing teachers who were very supportive and helped me to succeed. But I also had some negative experiences that left me feeling discouraged.

Thoughts on the School System

Looking back, I have mixed feelings about the school system. While I appreciate the education I received, I also feel that the system has some flaws. It often felt like we were just being taught to pass tests and not really learning practical skills.

Going from a Good School to a Ghetto School

At one point, my family moved to a new neighborhood . I had to switch schools and go to a school that was known for being rough. It was a big adjustment, and I had to learn how to navigate a new environment.

Talking to Women

One of the biggest challenges I faced growing up was talking to women. I was very shy and lacked confidence in myself. I had to work hard to overcome this and learn how to approach and interact with women.

My Mindset Since 16

At the age of 16, I developed a strong interest in entrepreneurship. I knew that I didn't want to work a traditional 9-5 job, and I wanted to create something of my own. This mindset has stayed with me ever since, and it has been a driving force in my life.

Being a University Dropout

After high school, I enrolled in university, but I dropped out after 2 years. It wasn't the right path for me, and I didn't see how it was going to help me achieve my goals.

The Trap of University

I believe that university can be a trap for many people. It's often seen as the only path to success, but it's not always the best option. I think that many people would be better off pursuing alternative paths, such as entrepreneurship or vocational training.

Losing Myself

After dropping out of university, I went through a period of uncertainty and self-doubt. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, and I felt lost. It was a difficult time for me, but it also forced me to examine my life and figure out what was important to me.

My Experience in the Workplace

I have worked in a variety of jobs over the years, and I have had both positive and negative experiences. Some of my jobs were fulfilling and taught me valuable skills, while others were unfulfilling and left me feeling bored and unchallenged.

Finding Myself and My Path

Through all of my experiences, both positive and negative, I was able to find myself and the vision for my future. I realized that I didn't want to work for someone else, but I wanted to create something of my own. I am currently pursuing entrepreneurship and working on building my own business. It is challenging journey, but I believe it will be the most rewarding thing I've ever done.

In conclusion, my journey from Albania to Canada has been a challenging but rewarding one. It has taught me the importance of hard work, sacrifice, and perseverance. I have faced many obstacles along the way, but I have also had many amazing experiences and met many wonderful people. I am grateful for everything that has led me to where I am today, and I am excited to see where my journey will take me next.

#myjourney #overcomingchallenges #entrepreneurmindset

Instagram: @MarviThe1


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