How China Banned Soros in 1989 [A Canadian Patriot Press Film]

2 years ago

Modern Americans have become extremely malleable creatures.

Despite those powerful founding documents that enshrine freedom, inalienable rights and the general welfare as driving moral principles of law, economics and politics, very few living Americans fully seem to have a living connection to that powerful tradition which saw eight presidents die defending it over the course of the young republic's life.

As such, today's modern Americans have been induced to think of politics like a game of left vs right polarization. This view has successfully blinded the majority of its victims from any understanding of the principled forces of history shaping our present crises and additionally has obscured the role of the oligarchical hereditary power structures which the founding fathers understood to be a source of evil shaping the entire human experience.

Yet despite the fact that actual British-directed deep state structures that oversaw the murder of so many presidents, including the recent coup in the USA itself in 2020, left and right mouthpieces from George Soros to Steve Bannon appear to agree that the greatest threat to the rules based order are Xi Jinping and the Communist Party of China.

In this Canadian Patriot Press documentary, the essentials of the 2020 overthrow of Donald Trump are introduced which will bring us into a deeper appreciation for George Soros, and Lord Mark Malloch Brown as agents of international oligarchism. We will also be introduced to the origins of Soros' Quantum hedge fund, and Open Society Foundation, the purpose and goals of the Trilateral Commission which took over the US government in the early 1970s, and an important make-over of the CIA as it morphed into a multi-headed hydra in the form of the National Endowment for Democracy which launched a new age of regime change under the guise of "color revolutions" beginning in 1983.

You will be introduced to Soros' role in destroying the system of sovereign nation states throughout the 1980s-1990s and you will find out how China, of all nations successfully purged his agents and banned the financial terrorist for life... in 1989.

How did this fight against Soros and other CIA front groups result in China's capacity to lift billions out of poverty and establish (with Russia and other nations unwilling to be destroyed), a new architecture founded upon cooperation, long term development and leaping over limits to growth?

Most importantly, how did Trump represent a mortal threat to everything Soros represented through his attempts to re-align the USA out of the "British-NATO special relationship" and into a US-Russia-China alliance against globalists from his earliest moments in office until the last days before the 2020 coup.

This film is narrated by Cynthia Chung, produced/edited by Jason Dahl, and written by Matthew Ehret.

For more Canadian Patriot Press videos, click here:

To purchase 'Breaking Free of Anti China Psy Ops' by Matthew Ehret and Cynthia Chung, click here:

To purchase other books (Clash of the Two Americas 1-4, The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set, or Untold History of Canada 1-4) click here:

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