Interrogate your cringe to connect to others

1 year ago

Interrogating your cringe is a way to better understand yourself and connect with others more authentically. Here's how it works:

Identify what makes you cringe: Take a moment to reflect on situations or behaviours that make you cringe. This could be anything from an embarrassing childhood memory to a social situation where you felt awkward or out of place.

Explore the root of your cringe: Once you've identified what makes you cringe, try to understand why. What values or beliefs do you hold that were violated in that situation? What underlying emotions are associated with the experience? By understanding the root of your cringe, you can gain insight into your own identity and values.

Share your cringe with others: Once you've interrogated your cringe, consider sharing it with others in a safe and supportive environment. This could be a trusted friend or family member, a therapist, or a support group. By sharing your cringe, you can connect with others who may have had similar experiences, and you may discover that your vulnerability and authenticity strengthen your relationships.

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