Jesus is fed up with all the worthless lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors

1 year ago

To the church in Laodicea write, I know your works and you claim you are neither hot nor cold but Lukewarm!! I wish you were one or the other but since you are lukewarm I will spit you out of My mouth and remove your candlestick, you say we are rich we lack nothing but in fact you are wretched, pitiful, blind and naked, come to Me and I will put salve on your blind eyes so you can see, clothes to cover your shameful nakedness, those I love I rebuke, Jesus is angry at the rotten phony lukewarm church pastors and members who say we are Christians and live however they want and say don't judge us, it offends us, they love all the pagan holidays of Christmas, Christmas Eve, Easter , huge egg hunts, eating ham, sunrise services, Palm Sunday, lent, praying to Mary like Catholics do, so many so called Christians will say Lord Lord we went to church all the time, we were missionaries, we did all this stuff for you and Jesus will say I never knew you depart from Me, Jesus hates man made churches, pagan holidays, religion and traditions, He did not say go and join a church building, be a member, go every Sunday, Sunday evening and Wednesday, keep Palm Sunday, Easter, have worthless egg hunts, see the Easter bunny, dye eggs, get up early for sunrise, do mother and father day, have a worthless thanksgiving and same old food all the time, have Christmas Eve and Christmas and if God told the Israelites to not go after pagan practices of Baal, Ishtar of the pagans around them He meant it, you can lie to everyone you are a Christian when you really are not and just like the pharisees of old, they loved the attention on them, they cared more about tradition and rules then people, they hated Jesus a lot because He did not sit with the self righteous religious crowd of His day, they were so perfect and wanted nothing to do with the poor, fisherman, abused, prostitutes, the blind, lame, bleeding woman, lepers, Jesus did, and still sits with outcasts today, He is not inside a church building at all but outside with the homeless, widow's, abused, divorced, and outcasts that churches and world pushes away, Jesus will say I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was wounded and you did not help me, then the goats on His left replied where did we see you hungry, thirsty, a stranger, needed clothes and did not help you and Jesus replied what you did not do for those least of you did not do for Me, you can't fool God at all, people will reap what they sow and all the apostate churches will fall apart and the false prophets inside will taste God judgement and wrath and all the worthless members thrown out to the wolves and will happen, no more potlucks, gossip meetings called bible studies, a program of how to do everything in a church building, having a rock worship band, giving money to the church and neglecting the poor outside, having Easter, Palm Sunday, huge egg hunts, trunk or treat, Christmas Eve, Christmas day, everything all about man made church traditions people do will be gone, there will be no churches in the tribulation period, antichrist has no need for churches at all or Bibles or Left behind Christians, he will kill anyone who is not part of his demonic antichrist beast world and will not care how he does it, he will try to get rid of left behind Christians and the Jews, they will be a threat to him and wants them out of the way, the most servere persercution will come for those who get left behind, it will happen if you like it or not, after the antichrist rises from being shot he will break the treaty with Israel and servere persercution will break out of the Jews and left behind Christians and will be worse then what Nero and Hitler did, the antichrist will be far times worse and Jesus will destroy the antichrist and all who worship him, you are either for Jesus or the antichrist no middle ground at all

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