Ukraine War: Putin 'trying to destabilise Europe to distract from conflict'

1 year ago

Western leaders are gathering in Munich to discuss the security issues facing Europe and the West with support for Ukraine top of the agenda.
The Ukraine War is a violent conflict between Kiev-backed Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country. To many people's shock, this conflict has continued for nearly four years now. YouTube is full of witness accounts and recordings that document both sides of the war - footage of destroyed towns and villages, interviews with both soldiers and civilians, news stories on new developments, and so forth. It is perhaps testament to how grave and intricate the war is; yet YouTube also provides an invaluable auditory record of the mind-boggling fragility of human life in its rawest form. Even if we may not agree with it or understand it entirely, these videos at least give us exposed to its harrowing reality as experienced by those directly involved in it.

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