Today, Bahar Smith Undergoes Trial of Prosecuting Fake News Cases

2 years ago

The Bandung City District Court today will hold a trial in the case of spreading fake news with the defendant Bahar bin Smith. The agenda for today's hearing is the reading of the charges.

Bahar bin Smith arrived at the Bandung District Court (PN) at around 14:20 WIB. The vehicle carrying the defendant in the case of spreading fake news arrived with a tight escort from the Bandung Polrestabes and Bandung Wetan Police personnel.

A number of Bahar bin Smith sympathizers also appeared to fill the Bandung District Court yard to welcome Bahar. The Bandung District Court is scheduled to hold a hearing to read out the charges against Bahar bin Smith. Bahar was charged with violating several articles, including articles on criminal law regulations and articles on the ITE Law.

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