America will be destroyed completely and will be no more

1 year ago

God has had enough with America, the dead rotten churches and church people inside, the wicked, so America will be destroyed completely and God will not hear anyone cries at all when America is destroyed, Russia, Iran, China and north Korea will attack America with nuclear attack, bombs all at once and no one will escape or hide, it will happen so very fast and all at once and no one survives a nuclear bomb at all, it hits and the radiation goes everywhere and you die fast!! Huge earthquakes will hit worthless California, Oregon and Washington and no one will escape, all the volcanoes will erupt, a huge tsnsumi will hit NYC all the way to the east coast and will be 90 feet tall, you can't run from water coming in so super fast, those still alive in America will be killed by the north Koreans, Chinese, Russians and Iranians or taken as prisoners of war, America will be destroyed and will be no more, all the worthless pastors and church members who get left behind will have to find Jesus on their own, no revival or anything will go on, they will be targets in a very hostile antichrist world that will destroy all the churches, bibles and anything that is not part of the one world government and one world Faith, the antichrist, false prophet and pagan Catholic whore church will be in control of the entire world, the antichrist will waste no time taking over the entire world!! It is already set up, the one world government and one world religion , the antichrist is just waiting to take over the entire world and he will, America will be out of the way and Israel will be alone and will be alone, it is called Jacob trouble for a reason, to punish the Jews for rejecting Jesus and to get them to come back to God, the true believers will all be gone and in heaven, all the fake phony lukewarm pastors and church members will be left behind, they were not ready for Jesus at all and will not be taken, God will not hear anyone cries at all in the tribulation period, the Holy Spirit will be gone and only way to find God is to find Him yourself! No one will come up to you and witness at all, you have to find God by yourself, the tribulation gospel will be about works to be saved, not get the vaccine mark of the beast , worship the antichrist, deny Jesus at all and help the Jews out and oh get killed because you don't worship the antichrist, that will be what the left behind Christians will face, and they will face the most servere persercution, Satan will rule the earth for 7 years and will love it, his slaves those who got the vaccines will kill anyone not loyal to the antichrist and will think it is a fun game to beat and kill those not loyal to the antichrist, it will be hell on earth!! America will be out of the way forever

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