10 common problems coming off the ventilator in ICU and how to solve them! Live stream!

1 year ago


10 common problems coming off the ventilator in ICU and how to solve them! Live stream!

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Wherever you are, welcome to another intensivecarehotline.com live stream. And today’s topic is “10 Common Problems Coming Off the Ventilator in ICU and How to Solve Them.”

We get so many questions here at intensivecarehotline.com about how long it takes to come off the ventilator, and there are so many variables that I decided to do a livestream about this because I believe I can destroy some of the myths today and shed light on what’s really holding people back on coming off the ventilator in ICU.

Now, before we go into today’s topic, you might wonder what makes me qualified to talk about today’s topic. I’ve worked in intensive care as an intensive care nurse for over 20 years in three different countries. I have worked for over five years as a nurse unit manager in intensive care. I have been consulting and advocating for families in intensive care all around the world since 2013. I’m talking to families in intensive care every day of the week, all over the world.

And I’m also the founder of Intensive Care at Home where we provide intensive care services at home for predominantly long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomy, but also otherwise medically complex clients that otherwise would be in intensive care or potentially would have passed away if it wasn’t for our service because many ICUs want to empty their beds by literally letting people die and we give people options with Intensive Care at Home.

Now, coming back to today’s topic, if you have any questions regarding today’s topic, please type them into the chat pad or you can call in live on the show. I will give out the phone numbers after I’ve gone through my list of things that I want to discuss today, and then you can also call in live on the show. But if you have any other questions that are related to today’s topic, type them into the chat pad. If they’re not related to today’s topic, type them into the chat pad as well and I will get to them at the end of this presentation. So, let’s dive right into it.

So “10 Common Problems Coming Off the Ventilator in ICU and How to Solve Them”. So, whilst they are common problems that I’m going to talk about in a minute, it’s also often a combination of things that are happening. As you would’ve heard me saying over and over again when someone is in intensive care, there are dozens of things happening simultaneously and unless people understand that it’s like a puzzle that needs to be pieced together, it’s never black and white in intensive care, it’s always one thing linking to another, one thing leading to another. You can never look at things in isolation. And what I mean by that is I can probably illustrate that with the first common problem that keeps patients from getting off the ventilator in ICU.

The first common problem is clearly sedation and the induced coma, and that is clearly an obstacle for people to get off the ventilator. However, again, that cannot be seen in isolation either because why are people in the induced coma? What’s led to that? Is it fractures? Is it surgery? Is it pneumonia? Is it intoxication? Have people been intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, whatever the case may be? So, you can never look at this in isolation, but let’s just stick with that.


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