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15 seconds

US Infrastructure Under Attack?

Streamed on:

Are we under attack from the Chinese? Russia? Or is the dollar failing as the population collapses?


  • 0/2000
  • Sam, your comment on crypto. It's so much easier than I thought to live off. I'm a professional poker player and live on crypto. A crypto.com card, an Exodus wallet and a trezor. I make any trades I want within Exodus, so there's no kyc. If I have to say pay my cell phone, I'll move $50 in BTC from Exodus to crypto com, load it on the debit card, and pay it. There's kyc of course for what I'm spending with the card, but I only use it for paying things. No trades or holding there, just move what I need for the moment. It's all quick and simple. Anyone struggling with how exactly to make crypto useful, I hope this may have some ideas in it. Also, a little trick I use, when u get the 12, 18 etc word recovery phrase, turn it into a poem and memorize it. The random words create strange poems, and they're easier to remember for that reason. Anyways, getting our own things right now, as much as possible is a good idea. Hope this helps someone. Be well all

  • Hi Sam, Well, on this subject you appear unaware of at least two data points that suggest East Palestine was planned. From: https://www.axios.com/local/cleveland/2023/02/21/ohio-train-derailment-white-noise It isn't long into the film "White Noise" that the line between fiction and reality starts to blur. During the movie's second third, a tanker truck carrying toxic materials crashes into a train in a small Ohio town creating an airborne toxic event. Sound familiar? Why it matters: On Feb. 3, a real-life freight train derailment occurred in East Palestine, Ohio. Just as in "White Noise," which was released in November on Netflix, the East Palestine derailment resulted in the venting and burning of carcinogenic chemicals. The intrigue: "White Noise" was shot almost entirely in Northeast Ohio where several East Palestine residents worked as extras in the movie. As to the second data point. The CDC updated their toxicological profile for vinyl chloride eleven days before the disaster in Ohio. They took a lot of information out about how dangerous it is, particularly with regard to cancer, drinking water, and children. This is the first update in seventeen years. The above is taken from image files of twitter comments. I did not factcheck the claim.

  • The QR codes are simply the beginning.

  • Some of these could be Antifa! There are reports of physical shunts being placed to derail trains in Washington state. Certainly can't rule this type of activity out for Antifas playbook.

  • Most problems arise from good old fashion incompetence or some new hot shot executive who saves short term money by getting rid of pm preventative maintenance and is promoted up, while the fall guy inherits the derailments. The bottom line, the system is in a slow motion crash… for now. Then it will be sudden!

  • Thanks Sam. One of your listeners was asking re how XLM can/could fit side by side with XRP if XRP and the XRPL are destined to rule (with many verticals). In actuality, and even though I have seen the number, I can't recall it exactly, the Retail investor controls only a small percentage of XRP. Between Whales, larger private holdings and the Escrow, this does not leave much that is held by Retail Investors. Especially after we take into account how most of us HODLers will also stake our XRP. I believe that all those smart cookies at Ripple, in the early days, realised the same and they decided that, rather than allow some random Crypto to fill the Retail void, Jed was tasked with creating a 'brother' Crypto. This he duly went off and did ! Even though XRP could still be used in Retail, it would be hard to acquire outside the ODL system. So, in my opinion, it will not be that XLM and XRP are chosen to work together, within any defined scope. It will come down to the fact that XLM will be much more attainable than XRP. The fact that XRP is depreciative and XLM is appreciative always irked me. Things are done for a reason. There are other things in the big picture that seem to fit with my theory. Major one is how XLM and Jed have been 'protected' from the public spotlight. In some ways very similar to how XRP has been shunned and ignored. As if to not give us Plebs any 'Heads Up' as to their real purpose.

  • If someone did the math.... if the excess deaths are averaging the listed numbers, then what are the true numbers that they got, using the original data... means/averages are nice for the simple expression of info,,, but that can range from one end to the other... that's why they do multiple trials to see what they can guess it to be as... lol Funny how science and math works... yet, they don't want to break it down scientifically... only to say, "shut up! Don't ask questions... just keep getting those jabs, ignore all the drama circulating, keep living your life in fear and suffer until you die..." "We are the only reliable source..." Lol, what a trip... How much do you think would change if someone started a bio-hazard company; cleaning the air, distilling large quantities of water and alcohol, creating food forests that are mostly self sustaining, education that actually focuses on giving the proper tools and stuff to be a master class "____"... Limited gov-co... Anyways... lalalala, time to go back into this crazy shit... lol Towards more Blissful moments~!!

  • Brilliant again Sam! Thank you so much!!!

  • I’ll be honest the myid thing convinced me more 😂🤣

  • What is My ID doing with the medical info. that people input?

  • hey brother, what do you think of of the disclosure extraterrestrial that's coming soon..?

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  • Nikki....board member of Boeing

    1 like
  • Hmmm.... https://rense.com/general97/chemical-weaponry-destined-for-ukraine-ignited-in-east-palestine.php

    1 like
  • Love these videos

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  • Hey Sam I know this is off topic y’all mentioned in the vid that you getting extra water filters for your system but what water filtration system is a good one do I go RO or distilled? Or both? Can you supply me with a good company to go with without paying 6gs

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