In God’s Presence Outside the Box

1 year ago

When we consider the ways to spend time with God, we immediately think of prayer, bible study, singing praise and going to church. Today, let us get outside that box and explore TWO additional ways we can abide in the presence of God

**Have you ever considered that if we have love for one another, we are abiding in God’s presence?

As I John 4:16 tells us, “Whoever lives in love (or has love for one another), lives in God and God in them.”

That is unity and oneness with God! When we have love for others, we are literally in the presence of God as we are living in Him and He in us.

There are so many ways to give love to others. We can provide for their needs such as food, clothing and shelter. We can give others our time and attention such as serving, comforting, celebrating, visiting the forgotten, calling a widow, sharing a meal, playing, tutoring and so much more. We can also volunteer with organizations that serve people. And when we do these things, we are spending time with God as we care for one another and give of ourselves.

**Another way to spend time with God is to spend time among His creation.

We read in Psalm 24:1-2
“The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; for God has founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers.”

The earth and all that is in it, including the animals, is the Lord's. When we spend time among his handiwork, it is an opportunity to spend time with Him and give thanks for His lovely creation. We can be in his presence as we are gardening, tending flower pots, pulling weeds, going for a walk, sitting in a park, caring for animals, bird watching, paddling down a river, watching a sunset, gazing at the stars and the list is unending! Just think how vast His creation is!

When we looked outside the box for additional opportunities to be in God’s presence, did you notice what they have in common? They are not only outside the box, but they are outside of us! They involve us looking outside of ourselves. Looking out for others. Looking out at creation. God is not only within us, but He is all around us. He is in the people we serve. He is in the creation we admire.

Let’s remember to get OUT of the box, get OUT of ourselves and get INTO God’s presence!

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