ChatGPT and AI Art

1 year ago

Chat GPT and AI Art have made many people fear for their jobs. While they will certainly be disruptive I do not believe they will result in a net loss of jobs. Every time people have thought technology would result in huge numbers of people being unable to find jobs they have been wrong and there was a net job growth not a job loss. Don't misunderstand, people may lose existing jobs as much as horse and buggy makers were displaced by the car, but there will be more job opportunities in more areas because of the shift in the economy. The only way forward is to secure intellectual property rights and look for new opportunities as new sectors develop. The desire for a UBI as a SafetyNet is simply the same tired socialist line every time technology advances. That finally production is no longer the issue and they can implement socialism. The same factors that made socialism in all it's forms unworkable fifty years ago are the same factors that will make it unworkable when we have robots and superbrain AI.
If you want to see more on automated production and IP see this video:

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